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A research lab using mobile health technologies (e.g., ecological momentary assessments, passive sensor data) and Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions (JITAI) to improve understanding of relationships between environment, thoughts, feelings, and health behaviors.

Recent Publications 

*Hébert, E. T., Suchting, R., *Ra, C. K., *Alexander, A. C., Kendzor, D. E., Vidrine, D. J., & §Businelle, M.S. (in press). Predicting the first smoking lapse during a quit attempt: A machine learning approach. Drug and Alcohol Dependence.


Koslovsky, M. D., *Hbert, E. T., Businelle, M. S., & Vannucci, M. A. (in press). Bayesian time-varying effect model for behavioral mHealth data. The Annals of Applied Statistics.


Suchting, R., Businelle, M. S., Hwang, S. W., Padhye, N. S., Yang, Y., Santa-Maria, D. M. (In Press). Predicting daily sheltering arrangements among youth experiencing homelessness using diary measurements collected by ecological momentary assessment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 

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